
A New Perspective & Priority for 2018

So much of our lives is determined by our perspective, but we don’t grow up understanding this. This is the path to a level of gratitude, contentment, and appreciation that are the keys to unlocking what we truly want, deep down inside.

The Beauty of Simplicity

As an introvert, part of the beauty of a solo trip is to retreat into my head and limit interaction with others as much as possible, but over the years I’ve met some fascinating people. This trip was no exception.

How to Overcome the Weight of Overwhelm

It’s so easy to give into the weight of overwhelm. It’s one of my default emotions, and never part of an intentional response. But I've finally discovered the key to changing the way you feel in almost every situation.

How to Face the Fork In the Road With A Different Choice

I began doing something tragic over ten years ago. I started shelving my dreams and some of the things I loved most, pushing essential parts of myself deep down inside. I did it because I thought I had no choice. I didn’t know what I know now.

How a Bike Thief Moved Me From Scarcity to Abundance

I tend to be guilty of trying to think positively and find the silver lining right away, but I’ve realized that in situations like this, it’s so important to let myself just feel sad. To sit inside the sadness until it teaches me what I'm supposed to know.

Another Way To Honor Love

In her new book Love Warrior, Glennon Doyle Melton writes, “Maybe some loves are perennials - they survive the winter and bloom again. Maybe others are annuals - beautiful and lush and full for a season and then back to the earth to die and create rich soil for new life to grow.”